Welcome to Ormiston Sandwell Community Academy, OSCA
I am proud to be Head of School here at OSCA where we strive to be an inclusive education provider that treats every child as an
individual. We are a large secondary school, with the feel and values of a family.
Part of being a member of the OSCA family is to be challenged and have high expectations of ourselves and each other, while in an
inclusive, supportive environment. We as a team have the highest aspirations for all our students, that puts students in the forefront of
all decision making. Students who attend OSCA will have opportunities which include a high quality curriculum, highly trained subject
specialists who constantly review and adapt ensuring the best education for all and in experiences outside the classroom. Being part of
Ormiston Academies Trust means we have access to support and values which put community and inclusion to the forefront.
My vision for OSCA is to be the Academy that is at the heart our community, where students develop into leaders of the future in which
ever field they aspire to become part of, and where future generations can see an OSCA student becoming the citizens that others
aspire to be.
Our key values underpin everything that we do at OSCA: Excellence through Opportunity, Scholarship, Compassion and Aspiration.
These values are constantly shared and referred to across the academy as we feel they encapsulate all the qualities our young people
need to be happy and successful. When you visit OSCA, you will see that this is the case.
Peter McKinniss, Head of School
As Senior Principal, I would like to welcome you to Ormiston Sandwell Community Academy, or OSCA as we know it.
Our Academy is fortunate to be part of the Ormiston Academies Trust whose moral purpose is built on inclusion,
sharing what is best, enjoying the challenge and an unshakable belief that anyone can excel. To support our
academy improvement we have access to OAT Lead Practitioners, subject and leadership networks, CPD events,
curriculum resources and schemes of work and much more.
Our Academy is at the heart of its community, raising aspirations and supporting individual needs. OSCA is like a
family; we look out for each other, learn from mistakes and endeavour to provide consistency, routine and high
expectations, opportunities and choices.
My aims for our academy are for it to prize safety, to guarantee high levels of achievement, and be a vibrant
community in which both adults and students are happy. I want the world to recognise just how good our Sandwell
youngsters are and will do all that I can to ensure that they can determine their own futures and mature as modern
global citizens capable of changing our world for the better. I’m sure that we all want to see a society that benefits
from the contributions of our well-educated and empowered young people.
Adrian Price, Senior Principal