Key Stage 4 Curriculum
At Ormiston Sandwell Community Academy we strive to ensure every child has the best opportunities to succeed in life. Our curriculum at KS4 is designed to provide each student with the options that will ensure both academic and personal success, not only at age 16 but well into the future.
All students take the required subjects, English, Mathematics, Science and citizenship. Our options also ensure that students have the opportunity to study for the English baccalaureate.
At OSCA we believe academic success is really important, but we don’t think it is everything. We want our young people to leave education feeling confident not only in knowledge, but also in personal skills and qualities. Students’ curriculum experience will include non-examined elements including Character Development, RE and CORE PE. This board and balance curriculum built around the academy values is intended to allow students to learn for life and equip them with knowledge of the world, essential skills and a strong character. At its heart OSCA Curriculum is built around our four values of Opportunity, Scholarship, Compassion and Aspiration.
In addition to these mandatory subjects, you will have the opportunity to select 3 options which are right for their interests and aspirations. Students select 3 of the following (must include 1 *subject):
Deciding which subjects to study is an important and exciting part of being in Year 9, the choices you make will help you fulfil your future plans and aspirations. It is also necessary to recognise that things can change and studying a balanced Key Stage 4 curriculum, between the ages of fourteen and sixteen, can lead to many different routes a few years later. The formal part of selecting options takes place over the Spring term in year 9.
Personalised advice and guidance is provided throughout the progress. Students will have the opportunity to talk to form tutors, teachers and OSCA’s own careers Adviser. In addition, students will participate in a range of KS4 taster lessons across the curriculum. Prior to finalising options students and parents will be able to experience an options evening,
Yours faithfully,
Dr S D Beach
Assistant Principal
Point of contact emails:
[email protected]